What is the PRmoment Masterclass: The Agency Growth Forum?

We believe in the power of public relations. We believe the future of public relations is bright. This event will focus on showcasing best practices in the vital areas of PR agency management and growth.

Why attend?

If you want to hear from the experts, people who’ve been there and done it, attend the PRmoment Masterclass: The Agency Growth Forum. At this one event, 13 experts will each give you a 20-minute Masterclass on what we've identified as the 11 most important elements in running a modern, profitable and successful PR firm.

Key themes

  • Entrepreneurship in PR
  • Agency growth
  • How to develop a management team
  • How to pitch successfully: What the winning agencies get right and what the losing agencies get wrong?
  • The most important financial KPIs for a PR agency
  • How to use data to grow your business
  • How to build and scale your PR firm
  • How can PR agencies attract and retain the best talent?
  • A PR pitching code of practice
  • Can PR dominate earned social?

Great value: There are 11 Masterclasses, so £40 per Masterclass if you're joining us face-to-face and get the early bird rate, or £18 per masterclass if you’re joining us online. Can you afford not to be there?

We don’t want anyone who would like to attend to be unable to. A limited number of reduced price face-to-face tickets and virtual tickets have been set aside for people who would like to come but cannot afford the ticket price. Please contact siobhan@prmoment.com if you feel you are appropriate for this offer and would like to be sent our bursary form.

Recording provided, so you don't miss out!

All guests, so those who attend face-to-face and virtually, will be sent a password-protected recording of the sessions post-event. These will be available for 30 days after the event.

There will be a breakout room where you can plug in your laptops and catch up with emails. The program is designed to be fast-paced so you can watch all the sessions and/or just join the sessions that you want. Barista coffee will be available throughout the day.

Please note:
There will be no sponsors for this event. We don’t believe in charging delegates for a ticket and filling the room with salespeople.